IP network infrastructure, which already exists in the majority of companies, can now carry voice along with data. Designed to support convergence through a modular structure, the system allows a harmonious migration towards VoIP(H.323 v.2 / SIP 2.0), allowing voice and data communication to work within the same network.

Voice Over IP (VoIP)

VoIP is the latest proven technology for voice communications where packets of digitally compressed voice are sent over IP data networks. These packets are converted back to voice once they reach the destination. By utilising existing data networks, VoIP can bypass PSTN and therefore avoid all costs associated with PSTN calls no matter how far the distance and how long the conversation. In addition, VoIP also allows for more advanced telephony solutions and applications.

VoIP Gateway Card

The VoIP(H.323 v.2 / SIP 2.0) Gateway Card makes it possible for you to use VoIP technology with your present telephone handsets and utilise your company’s corporate data network without the need for separate, dedicated leased lines. It is an ideal solution for site-to-site communications between multi-site offices and retail chains - as well as for networking branch offices allowing for a flexible working environment and lower costs.